Proper Squat Technique
Posted July 7, 2016
One of the most misunderstood exercises in sports is the loaded squat. Improper technique during training can often lead to serious results such as injury and long term setbacks.
However done properly the loaded squat is an essential training tool that has many benefits.
“The squat is one of the best lower and full body exercises an athlete can do,” says Dr. Trevor Cottrell.
“You can effectively work on improving your vertical jump, spring speed, and ability to run people over simply by improving your squat strength.”
The Squat, as a training technique, has come under fire in recent years as injuries continue to occur in the weight room due to improper instruction.
“One of the myths surrounding the squat is its bad for the knee,” says Cottrell.
“The fact is the squat, if performed properly, is quite good for the knee. You can squat below the knee (below parallel) and be just fine as an athlete, if you’re using proper form.”
There are many squat variations designed to target specific muscle groups. Athlete Training and Health incorporates most squat variations in with our Advanced training session along with our Elite and College/Pro-Prep training groups.
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