How Ordinary Citizens Can Help
Posted September 26, 2017
This week at Athlete Training and Health is our salute of appreciation to our Emergency Responders. We are lucky to train some of Houston’s finest and want to spotlight their work for our community and for the work they put into the gym! Today, we want to spotlight David Osby.
David works hard as an Emergency Medical Technician for Lake Jackson EMS, we sat down with David and asked him what drives him to be better, to strive and succeed each day.
During this week of appreciation we are extending free training programs to all Emergency and First Responders. Sign up no longer available.
ATH: What do love most about your job?
DO: Medicine in general is always changing as people gather more evidence on what does and doesn’t work, what treatments can work for patients. It allows us to provide better patient care to our patients when they most need it.
What is the most challenging aspect of your job?
The time commitment, basically. We can put in 24 hours a day and spend a lot of time away from our families. But with the supportive company that I work for, it allows us to be able to work around our schedules if something comes up. I have a lot of really supportive admin and a lot of supportive co-workers.
How can ordinary citizens help what you do?
Education with critical illnesses such as heart attack and stroke. Again, using the FAST method to recognize a stroke. Learn CPR so that if something comes up you can recognize it, call us, but also help them out yourself.
David Osby, Emergency Medical Technician for Lake Jackson EMS
What is your go to workout?
A workout that works out my legs and my back so that I am able to lift up heavy equipment or heavier patients.
What stands out when you think of Texans dealing with a crisis?
The Texas grit. How no matter how hard we got hit by Harvey, all these people just came together and started helping out one another in each others cities and formed this giant team and was able to help out and provide rescue and help out those in need.
What drives you to be better, to strive and succeed each day?
Just being able to help out, not only myself, but be able to help others. Because, if I am in the best shape then I am able to help out people in the best shape that I can.
David, thank you for your fearless dedication to our community.
Interested in attending a training program similar to David? Contact us and get involved in our Forever Athlete program. We are committed to boldly motivating athletes to be the best version of themselves possible – and this includes our Emergency Response or First Responder teams. We bring an integrated team of expert coaches and physical therapists together to help achieve athletes’ goals using data and science in a motivating, athletic environment.
Learn more about our Emergency Responder programs here.